Who will get coal and who will get presents on Fitzmas Eve?
UPDATE OCT. 28 2005:
Today Patrick Fitzgerald gave out a little something for everyone. A 5-count indictment against Scooter Libby (who resigned) on the one hand, but some guarded language and secrecy regarding the rest of the investigation on the other.
The grand jury has expired, but Fitzgerald left open the possibility of another grand jury continuing the investigation into the Valerie Plame leak and peripheral matters. During a press conference, Fitzgerald adamantly refused to discuss individuals involved in the investigation who have not been publicly charged with a crime. He cautioned that Libby has not yet been convicted of any wrongdoing, but outlined a strong case for the charges of obstruction of justice, perjury and false statements.
He gave out just enough to leave everybody speculating for a long time to come.
A press release and the indictment itself are available on Fitzgerald’s Department of Justice website at:
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Friday, October 28, 2005 ends one of the longest weeks in the history of American politics.
As the grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA agent’s name closes its proceedings, several things could happen:
Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald could announce indictments against high level players in the Bush administration.
Fitzgerald could announce the investigation revealed no criminal offenses.
The investigation could wrap up, with no announcements and no comments at all.
The grand jury may expire, but another grand jury could be appointed to continue the investigation.
It could also be that indictments (true bills) were issued long ago and simply have not yet been unsealed.
The grand jury could be extended, as some news services are now reporting.
One thing is sure: the TV vampires will no longer be able to report such “Breaking News” as the grand jury taking a lunch break. Instead, they’ll have to focus on lunch breaks revolving around the Tom Delay indictments and show more pictures of pretty white girls from well-to-do families who have gone missing.
If indictments are released, liberals will have orgasms while conservative pundits will continue their assault on Fitzgerald which began in earnest this week. Shawn Hannity will continue to spew hatred about the Bill Clinton administration and pretend that somehow calling Clinton a criminal (which he very well may be) makes everything Bush does okay.
If there are no immediate indictments, liberals will cry in their dinners, commit suicide, or allege there has been yet another in a long series of political cover-ups.
What will it be? Climax or anti-climax, the world awaits.
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