New info in shooting of innocent Brazilian in London
British news sources, including The Telegraph and ITV News, have reported on leaked documents which contradict the initial story about Charles De Menezes, the Brazilian electrician who was shot multiple times on a subway train in London following the two July bombing incidents.
The reports claim among other things:
Menezes was wearing a denim jacket, not a bulky coat.
He used a tube pass to pay for his entry and did not vault a turnstile.
He did not run from police.
He was shot seven times in the head, once in the shoulder (eight total), and three bullets missed.
note: Other reports say seven. Some early reports said five.
The following article from World News Australia sums up well the story as it has developed so far.
But simply search for “Menezes” in Google News and you can find many stories.
18.8.2005. 10:15:56
Leaked documents have revealed that a Brazilian man killed by British police on suspicion of being a suicide bomber was not trying to evade police when he was shot, contradicting earlier police reports.
Britain’s ITV News reported that closed-circuit TV captured Jean Charles de Menezes walking calmly into Stockwell subway station before going down an escalator and running to board a train, moments before he was shot by police on July 22.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is investigating the shooting, refused to confirm or deny the report.
Initial reports said Mr de Menezes had been acting suspiciously — wearing a bulky jacket, jumping a ticket barrier and sprinting onto the train.
But witness accounts and photographs leaked to ITV painted a different picture, showing the man in a light denim jacket walking calmly.
They also revealed that Mr de Menezes was restrained by an officer before being shot eight times, one day after the failed July 21 bombings in London.
The ITV report said Mr de Menezes was seen to board the train before pausing and then sitting down.
Moments later, police burst in and apparently restrained the Brazilian before shooting him seven times in the head and once in the shoulder.
A member of the police surveillance team was quoted as saying: "I heard shouting, which included the word 'police', and turned to face the male in the denim jacket.
"He immediately stood up and advanced towards me and the SO19 officers... I grabbed the male in the denim jacket by wrapping both my arms around his torso, pinning his arms to his side.
"I then pushed him back on to the seat where he had been previously sitting... I then heard a gunshot very close to my left ear."
Officers following Mr de Menezes thought he matched the description of one of the July 21 attackers, according to the documents.
Mr de Menezes residence had been under surveillance but a police officer failed to videotape him leaving because he had been on a toilet break. (empasis added)
Relatives of the Brazilian have demanded a public inquiry and say the officers involved should be jailed.
"My family deserve the full truth about his murder. The truth cannot be hidden any longer. It has to be made public," Mr de Menezes's cousin, Allessandro Pereira, said.
"There's obviously some level of incompetence here or some serious breakdown in communications with the various officers involved in surveillance," Harriet Wistrich, lawyer for the de Menezes family, told Channel Four News.
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