Chemtrails over Iowa
If you want to hide something, put it in plain view.
For a brief introduction to "chemtrails" or "aerosol trails" see my previous post Worth a Thousand Words.
Davenport, Iowa May 22, 2005
from the Green Space in northwest Davenport.
Just a few minutes later, from a different angle:.
from a field off Northwest Boulevard looking northwest:
from Kwik Shop on 53rd Street near North High School, looking northeast:
from my backyard. This picture helps to put it in perspective. A plane in progress of leaving a trail next to one which has been around for a while.
a close-up of a plane:
from an industrial site on North Carey, looking north toward Mt. Joy area over a baseball field:
Another good comparison:
Another plane close up:
A view of the Green Space from a few blocks away. This looks in the same general direction as the previous Green Space photos but was taken about one block further north on Marquette Street:
Is it sinking in yet?
Zooming in:
Another plane close up:
The overall picture again:
Look up. Look to the skies. Watch the planes and the weather. The operations continue.