Monday, October 03, 2005

Patents are key

Information is not the same as Knowledge. The two are often confused these days. I would define Knowledge as the capacity to find, digest, frame and retain Information. Knowledge occurs when curiousity and discernment meet.

Wisdom has a long view, and being young in my current earthly incarnation I feel it would be presumptuous for me to try to define that essential idea.

Patents are a key to much information, and certainly to the kind of information that concerns commerce, science, and their intersections.

I have recently become aware that a great deal of information can be obtained by searching the U.S. Patent office.

In fact, many concepts which generally are considered far-fetched, far in the future or all-out tin-foil-hat looney can appear more realistic, if not validated, by the U.S. Patent Office.

I was first intrigued when I learned about a patent for weather modification technology.
See patent no. 4,686,605.
  • US Patent Office

  • Or see my posting re: Weather Modification below or at

  • I soon began searching around the patent office website myself. I found this intriguing example:
  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Most recently, I was directed to this info on:
  • Behavior Modification

  • I apologize for posting so many links. I don’t generally like websites that just link to other people’s stuff. But there’s no way for me to reasonably include it all here.

    One of the great features of the Net is you can link instantly to a connected thought and explore a subject further.
    Or, if you want, you can ignore it, close the window and go look at some kind of pornography.

    I recommend interracial-Alien-docudrama mentalpornography.

    (Illustration courtesy of Brady Chrisman, Esq.)

    But seriously. If someone is granted a patent, that means the material has been reviewed to the point that it deserves financial/copy protection from any other source.

    “A U.S. patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor(s), issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The right conferred by the patent grant is, in the language of the statute and of the grant itself, "the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling" the invention in the United States or "importing" the invention into the United States. To get a U.S. patent, an application must be filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

    More at:
  • US Patent Office

  • Patents and their cousins, copyrights and trademarks, are serious biz-ness. The unusual extension of the Mickey Mouse copyrights to Disney for 20 years gave Walt Disney Corp a huge chunk of CA$H.

    The home page of the US Patent Office clearly states the agency is a divison of the Department of Commerce.

    In my horribly logical brain the above leads me to believe that if someone files a patent, whether it is on electrical circuitry, polymer glue, Mickey Mouse, behavioral technology or weather modification, that the patent filer (and/or backers) intends to prevent other people from selling those patented devices, items, representations, methods/processes, etc. in the United States.

    I would think, If you don’t want someone else to sell something, it must exist. That, or there’s a very elaborate hoax – a conspiracy, you know.



    I don’t like censorship, so though I have been tempted to delete some records, I have not yet done so (except for the spam).

    Here’s one of the so-far two comments on my recent posting “Recommended Reading-Freemasonry”

    The comment says:
    “Anonymous said...

    There is no real evidence to prove that cannibalism has ever happened in the history of man. It says so in the Bible.
    God hates you, Mr. Huss. You are sinning by slandering those who do God's will.”

    But in my post I said nothing about cannibalism. That makes me wonder – about a lot of things. I have two general guesses. One would make it funny, and the other… well, we’ll see.

    But it's hard for me to take it lightly when someone says God hates me, especially when they refer to me by name, and allege I’m slandering against those who do God’s will. Please clarify. What is God's will and how have I slandered it?

    Curious how they posted anonymously.
    I have put my name to my words. So have many people who post here.

    If anonymous reads this, I’m curious,
    Could you please tell me which Bible passages reference cannibalism?


    Jeremy Huss